Forward with Fortitude: Engaging Our Sisterhood, Empowering Our Communities, Elevating Our Impact.
Sorors, Friends, and Supporters: Welcome to the Monterey Peninsula Alumnae Chapter (MPAC) of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. website. We are grateful for the vision of our illustrious founders. Their vision then and now is that we use our skills and talents to improve the quality of life for those we serve in the community. In 1976, twelve dedicated women answered the call to illuminate the torch on the Monterey Peninsula. Since that time, we have diligently worked to perpetuate the principles and ideals of the sorority. We look forward to the continued support of our programs. Visit our site frequently, and while you're here, explore our calendar. Come out to the things the Monterey Peninsula Almunae Chapter is doing and collaborate with us as we continue to implement programs that are devoted to the compassionate service of the underserved. Whether you are a member of the Monterey Peninsula Alumnae Chapter, a member of another chapter, friend, or supporter, I hope that you find our online resource useful. If you are looking to reconnect the bonds previously made or are new to the area, we'd love to see you around engaging in fellowship and community engagement. Once again, I welcome you and invite you to connect with us and enjoy the beautiful Monterey area.
Lori Medina, Chapter President

Upcoming Events
- Sat, Mar 15Oldemeyer Center
- Sat, Mar 04Seaside
- Mon, Jan 16Seaside
We had BROADER views. WE wanted to REACH OUT in the community. We wanted to be MORE THAN just a social group.
Founder Bertha Pitts Campbell
Are you a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated?
Chapter meetings are every 2nd Saturday of every month at the Oldemeyer Center in Seaside, CA